Thursday, June 19, 2014 just need the money.

Weekly Speculating- just need the money.

Hey all! Here we are again. Usually I would bring you my best insight to the MTG world and finance tips to learn or what have you. This week I wanted to break from that a tiny bit to let the market do it’s thing a bit more. No, this week, it’s about me, and more than likely, some of you. Yes, I’m sure in some way we are all connected through this great hobby of ours and go through the trials and tribulations of life. Well, this week, I want to put it in the perspective. just need the money.

I’ve been doing fairly well for myself when it comes to the finance part of MTG, I’m by no means this grand success story and I can be totally truthful with that. Though, in the long years I’ve been playing magic I learned a lot, and it’s helped me make some money on the side to do with as I please. Well, sometimes life throws you curve balls, and you have to adapt. This is nothing new, people go through this all the time. I’m not here to give you a grand life lesson, but what I can tell you is some more tips through some life events what we all share. As it pertains to me, well, a few things in life came up, and I had to make a decision. So, I packed up some cards that I had tucked away and buy-listed them, and I do it with no regrets. In the end, there will always be more chances, another card just around the corner. just need the money tips:

1.) Organize your collection: I can not stress this enough. Especially if you delve into the finance aspect as I have, it will help you immensely when trying to make some money on the side. Or to just keep this amazing, yet expensive hobby we all love. It let’s you separate and decide what you want to do with your cards. I always like to post on the BSB Facebook group “what’s in your spec box?” You can do just that. Put cards in a place where they belong, and it will help you get rid of useless stuff in your collection.

That’s just a small example of how you can organize. I’m more than sure there’s people who do it way better than me! Though again I can’t stress enough how having cards easily accessible and ready to do what you need to with them, has been an immense help.

2.) Don’t hold out for the last 5$: I can add to that, also. Don’t be afraid to buy-list either. Most of the time you aren’t being cheated, especially if you’re making a profit already. If you bought a card at 1$ and a buylist is offering 4, but you think you can get 8 for them, you’re not fooling anyone. It’s actually easier than getting nailed with fee’s and most stores offer credit which more than make up for it (if you’re into that). I’m not saying ALWAYS buy-list, but sometimes it’s not good to be that guy and hold out, most of the times you get burned. (I can attest to that.) Once you have made a good enough return, just get rid of the card, don’t get emotionally attached and take your profits. Keep your inventory turning, in the time you hold out, you could have bought and moved three different types of new cards and grind out profits.

3.) Turning cards -> Happiness: It sounds weird, but hear me out. Sometimes the profits from MTG go other places, and that’s okay. Don’t always get caught up about the game paying for itself or having buyer’s remorse about buying a Fat pack just for the hell of it from your proceeds. It’s okay, it builds good karma, treat yourself. Treat others while you’re at it, go through your collection of stuff and ask yourself if you really need it, use the proceeds to get something awesome for your girlfriend/wife/husband/kid/boyfriend/brother ect. It will leave you feeling good about yourself, and good about life. Having the know-how to do it in the first place teaches you that you could do it again. Sure, I may not have got the exact amount or maximum profits from the recent few buy-list orders I made to various retail stores. So what. In the end, the happiness I will have to do something for someone else or using it to get you through a rough patch in life will mean more to me in the long run. I know I have the know-how and ability to do it again. I’m sure you will all too.

4.) Support your local gaming stores. Shout out to Dragon's Den, Gamer's Gambit, Treat Station, and Battlegrounds Gaming, and Chicago Clubhouse.

So, in closing, I’m in no way dictating any way to live your own happy lives. Just take this as the ramblings and teachings of a player, like all of you. Who tries to learn and understand the decisions that need to be made sometimes, and to share them in the hopes that it may help another fellow MTG player. Like I mentioned earlier, we’re all connected through this fantastic game. So I feel it’s my duty, and privilege to give back to the community that was built around it.

Happy buying, playing, and selling everyone!

As always email/reply for any and all questions.


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