Monday, June 30, 2014

The Magic Mondays- Apex Predator...and other good ****

The Magic Mondays- Apex Predator...and other good ****.

With Chaz Volpe

Ohhhhhhh man. A LOT has happened in one week since our last time together here on Magic Monday’s. Hey everyone, how’re you? Oh, your head exploded from M15 spoilers? Mine almost did too. Did you sit there and jump up and down in your underwear when SCG spoiled Chord of Calling? ….Me too. With that being said, let’s get on with the Magic Mondays!



Thursday, June 26, 2014

FNM Fun! Fire & Ice


With Robert Blum

Welcome back for article number 3. This week I took a pretty successful deck in mono red devotion and tweaked it to add a splash of blue. My shop is pretty notorious for esper builds and guys running blood baron so I wanted to have an answer. This deck proved to be way more fun then I ever imagined and did some really crazy things in game. Well without further ado lets check out the list.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Magic Mondays! Welcome.

The Magic Mondays- Welcome! M2015 Spoilers/Recent Decklists

Hello everyone! It’s me, Chaz, again. I elected to do another bit in addition to the financial piece I write every week. WELCOME, to The Magic Monday’s! In this segment I will go over mostly anything that people want me to go over, yes, it’s that simple! I ask you the readers, and members of our community at BoltSnapBolt (join, by the way) of topics to go over. This week I will tackle some fresh new spoilers, some recent placements of decks over the weekends at large events, and a deck I have been thinking about. That’s a lot! Let’s get started...shall we?

Thursday, June 19, 2014 just need the money.

Weekly Speculating- just need the money.

Hey all! Here we are again. Usually I would bring you my best insight to the MTG world and finance tips to learn or what have you. This week I wanted to break from that a tiny bit to let the market do it’s thing a bit more. No, this week, it’s about me, and more than likely, some of you. Yes, I’m sure in some way we are all connected through this great hobby of ours and go through the trials and tribulations of life. Well, this week, I want to put it in the perspective. just need the money.

FNM Fun! -Launching a Thaumaturge

Hey everyone welcome back for week #2 in my FNM article series. First, I want to thank everyone for all the positive responses to last weeks article. It's nice to know that everyone appreciates a more fun view on competitive decks! I have a buddy I play with who's favorite quote is "It's all about the fun factor" and you know what I think he's right. A lot of the time we get caught up in the competitive nature of this game and we all forget why we originally started playing. Because it was fun!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

FNM Fun! -Dega Humans

FNM FUN  - by Robert Blum
Hey everyone, welcome to my first article here on the BoltSnapBolt page. My weekly articles are going to focus around some unique and sometimes even off the wall FNM decks and then I'll be asking you guys for your opinions on how to make these decks more competitive in nature. Let me preface this by saying most if these decks won't be my builds however, as one of the more competitive players in my local store I do get asked for my input pretty regularly. I hope you guys enjoy this look into testing some unique builds. So with-out further ado let's take a look at our first deck.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekly Speculating- Dunking Thragtusk..and Conspiracies!

Weekly Speculating- Dunking Thragtusk..and Conspiracies!

Hey folks! Chaz here again, bringing you another article, I’m going to combine what I was writing for my second segment last week and merge it with this week. So, a bit more information, but again I try to keep it short and to the point. This will be mostly fluctuations to watch, I try to keep the same format for all of my Articles, but sometimes I will switch it up based on market movement/cards that are gaining. I’ve really been trying to discipline myself to keep these going, and to get BSB related things back on track, so stick with us! Just to reiterate that requesting invite to the BoltSnapBolt FB group is a great way to engage and not miss anything in case we all get busy and can't get out a Podcast or article.